Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Wednesday, July 9

What another wonderful day of ministry in Nicaragua!

This morning, half our team led a VBS at the church while the other half went to a new part of town to go door to door. The pastor told us that we were visiting a wealthier part of town where people had been afraid to evangelize before today. We had several great visits where we shared our personal testimonies.  5 people accepted Christ today! 

This afternoon, we had a time of games and fellowship with the church we've been working with. I know we will miss our new volleyball friends!

Tonight, we had our final worship service with the Second Baptist Church. 

What a blessing it was to see people that we met going door to door, come to the worship service tonight! 

We sang worship songs and led a skit together. We were blessed to see Callie (from Antioch) dance as we sang "How He Loves Us." 

It was a great time with our new friends; however, we were very sad to say our goodbyes! 

We will be traveling back to the capitol city of Managua tomorrow so that we will be ready for our early morning flight on Friday. Please pray that we will have a safe trip driving tomorrow. We are happy to see our family at home in the United States, but we will definitely miss our Nicaraguan family! 


1 comment:

  1. I am so happy to hear about the lives changed and souls saved because of your obedience to The Lord to go on this trip and shine for Him! I can't wait to hear more about it! Love you all!
